2 pkgs. biscuits (buttermilk, etc.)
2 tbl. tree ears (soaked)
4 tsp. sesame oil
4 tsp. light soy
2 tbl. ginger-garlic mix
2 chicken breasts marinated and chopped fine
1 whole scallion chopped fine
3/4 cup broth
  1. Take buns from package (10 each), set aside.
  2. Soak mushrooms, chop fine.
  3. Marinate chicken then chop fine, also scallions.
  4. Fry all ingredients, add broth, thicken, let cool.
  5. Flatten 1 bun into 3" disc, add 1-2 tbl. filling, then cover with another bun.
  6. Steam 8-10 minutes. Cover steamer with towel to prevent steam from dripping.

NOTE: Barbequed pork may be substituted, also added vegetables.